Saturday, May 1, 2010

"clash of the titans" or "persius vs. the cracken and hades"?

(too long a title...)

While every one else is rushing to watch the "Iron man 2", which I think without a doubt would be a good watch, considering most movie houses are showing it in 5 out of 6 cinemas, Saturday night movie date with my dad had us watching "Clash of the titans".

I have to agree with a client, it's not a movie worth watching in 3D.

The story? though I seem to have forgotten, was (as most epic/mythological movies are) "renovated" to suit viewers preferences.

The actor.. erm, not bad action, accent? very American! It's like "the scorpion king" all over again, you have epic people in epic costumes, with all the settings and dirt and smudges all over their faces and his accent gives it all off. Medusa looks good though. She's supposed to have green scales all over her face and body, but she gets to have a snakes body instead and a pretty digital face.

The effects? pretty much the same with most epic movies as our present technology could produce. On the average it was okay.

The thing that got me thinking though is the title? Where in the movie did the titans clashed exactly?

But, yeah my dad and I enjoyed the movie and by the way, the picture above? pretty much tells you how the sotry goes. LOL!

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