Friday, April 23, 2010

Goodbye Paperdolls, Hello

8:35, saturday morning finds me sitting on the sofa with Martha on Lifestyle Network. I have some things lined up for me today, namely: laundry, m&co, some other household thing that requires attention, my long list of asian novelas and movies, and dinner later with my highschool friends.

Before busying myself with these, i decide to take a quick moment and pour my creative juice in one of my recent fascinations (much influenced by my younger sisters), "The world's first digital studio". What i used to enjoy as paperdolls back then, is now on the internet plus the large number of clothing, shoes, bags, hats, jewelry to choose from. Most are designer items which I could not imagine myself wearing. Two nights of clicking, mixing and matching has now resulted in my first four designs, yey me! LOL! (^^,) HOwever, I would rather they include more designs there. I occassionaly find myself with a design in mind but without the necessary item available...

Anyway, an inspiration has come into mind, i'd better go! LOL!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

BS: financial management

4/13/10 Parable of the Rich Fool

During my more than four years of functioning as New Accounts Clerk for Time Deposit, and beyond the customer service, paper works, cut-offs and investment-shuverloos, I have been fortunate to capture bits and pieces of God’s words and the bible through Michelle, my ever so patient, generous and faithful partner in crime. Tonight’s bible study brought to mind a sharing she once told me. It concerned us as being stewards of God’s creation. Slothful living is something not tolerable; well that’s putting it nicely.

We sometimes find it challenging to equate or relate the bible to today’s lifestyle or generation. And it is tougher when it relates to financial management. A few of the rather provocative questions asked during tonight’s bible verses were the following: (1.) at first thought, do you find the man foolish? (2.) Is it not that what he does common to us all? We work hard to earn enough to sustain ourselves and have a good retirement? (3.) Is God right in calling him a fool? (4) isn’t His teaching to us rather two ways? Not to store richess but to become generous, yet how do we become generous when we do not have anything to share?

Our bible study revolved around these learnings: God sees us beyond ourselves, beyond our actions and deeper within our “hearts”; our real intentions. To work hard and become rich per se is not a sin, we must bear in mind not to obsess over this richess and find security within these material things. Somehow in all these blessings we find ways to do good deeds, become generous. In the midst of all our financial success, we should find it in ourselves use it for His greater glory and for His intentions. In my opinion some of us are blessed financially while others are not so, in all these, God provides all that we need. What then is important? It is cultivating a life with God at the center, working hard to attain a greater life after our earthly life.

At the end of our rather short but meaningful sharing, achi Cathy, our group leader, shared a very inspirational story about a very successful and blessed man who later on decided to give up earthly possessions and heed God’s calling to minister and lived by faith. What’s so interesting bout this story is the fact that the calling was for both husband and wife who then had five children. And surprisingly, their children are living testimonies of God’s greatness, because all children are God-fearing, intelligent and achievers. When asked how they were able to do it, they simply can not say, they simply do not know.

This inspiring story led me to think of my family. With five girls in the family the youngest being only 6 then, my father had to depart our hometown to find a means to support us because of some rather depressing events in our, particularly his, life. For some time my mom who also had troubles of her own had to support us. I’d like to believe that because of God’s guidance and my parents constant prayers, my sisters and I are already graduates awaiting our own future in God’s time and hands.

I am not exactly a great person nor the best daughter that I wished and hoped I could have been and will be. I may have made crazy and bad decisions in my life, encountered rather difficult phases. The fact remains, I deeply appreciated my parents. I just want to acknowledge how much their sacrifice and faith has gotten us through life.

And while the last part of this blog does not fit its beginning (lol!) I am thankful for tonights learnings.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Time Management

After finishing up at the office, with aching wrist and fingers (both of the left and right hands), and locking the pending paper works inside drawers, I immediately texted my dear friend Joan. One of the things I’ve recently looked forward to during my weekdays is my “dinner-date-before-bible-study” (and the bible study off course) with Joan Dy. Her bubbly-ness never fails to cheer the ever so quiet me. And as usual, we finished dinner late and got to BS around almost 8.
There was once a time when i wanted to do so much, could have done soooo much, but had too little time. Ironically, if there is one thing that I seem to have most lately it would most probably be “TIME”. Too much time causes you to think, and though they say that thinking gains wisdom, with the rather “craziness” I have been experiencing in my life, I have just come to learn that… well, it could sometimes be unhealthy.
As it so happens, tonight’s (4/6/10) bible study was centred on the biblical context of time management. And I have got to say that this is my best bible study so far. By this I mean that I have gained the most insight out of our sharing. It’s not easy for me to write about my learnings because I’m not good at that, so I think its best that I write it this way (more of a reminder for me also):

1. Make proper use of the time you have; spend it doing things that are worthwhile. Worthwhile could mean helping somebody or living it for God.
2. There are three ways to live your life: (a) as if life’s a party; making the most out of it, getting the best out of life, enjoying what you have. (b) as if it’s a curse; with bitterness in your heart. (c) and as stewards; living it for God, doing everything for Him and finding meaning in it from Him.
3.Make good use of our talent, (and I guess in this context, time could also be considered). God may give some more and other less, it does not matter. It is when we make good use of it that counts. Because even to those who have less, God could even take it all away if He finds you wasting it.
4.Procrastination. Definitely USELESS. In my opinion and my understanding, it produces nothing, accomplishes nothing and could lead to wrong.
5. Delegation. We cannot do everything alone that is why God sends us help. It helps us accomplish more and serve better. I believe God delights in unity of His people and the arrogance of one could lead to his own frustration. With His Guidance and proper management, many will be served.
6. At the end of the day and of this life, He alone will judge us, according to how we have lived our lives, to how we have made use of His gifts.

As a final emphasis, I’d like to post verses from the bible that I found reflective of my life experiences so far, It is a very common bible entry, but It has once again gained my attention tonight:

“Man cannot hit on the right time to Act”

There is a time for everything, and a time for every affair under the heavens
A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant and a time to uproot the plant
A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to tear down and a time to build
A time to weep and a time to laugh; a time to mourn a time to dance
A time to scatter stones and a time to gather them; a time to embrace and a time to be far from embraces
A time to seek and a time to lose; a time to keep and a time to cast away.
A time to rend a time to sew; a time to be silent and a time to speak
A time to love and a time to hate; a time of war and a time of peace.

So… to connect this entry from beginning to end: thinking does gain wisdom, if led in the right track with His guidance. Thank you Lord for the time (--,)

Friday, April 2, 2010

holy week finds ^^,

The lenten season has always been a time to contemplate, reflect, pray and fast... for our blessings and our sins... I am a bit guilty to say that for my part i have also considered these few holidays as the only time of year where in we can rummage through our stuff (garbage if i may say , LOL!) and do clean up!!

as has been our annual tradition, we run shack the house, do painting, carpentering, moving and removing.. well planning these things anyway, and pray that we have enough will and energy to accomplish it (^^,) the planning seems endless, and it seems as if we accomplish less and less each year.. or it might be just because there seems to be so little time and so many things to do while we're growing (old) err up ...

aaaannnyyy who... guess what? when my dits decided to open a big box labeled "satz ans sitz's stuff toys w/ slippers", she found something long kept and long forgotten ( im sorry my donors... but i still remember who gave them, noh!! defensive mode, hahaha)... two violet bedroom slippers!! :))

so... i just can't help but take some pictures of it.... ^^,